One minute on… Metric Accents
Learn music fundamentals about metric accents, strong beats, and weak beats.
One minute on… Upbeat
Learn music fundamentals about the upbeat, the last beat of a measure.
One minute on… Downbeat
Learn music fundamentals about the downbeat, the first beat of a measure.
One minute on… Cut Time
Learn music fundamentals about cut time, a duple meter with a half note beat.
One minute on… Common Time
Learn music fundamentals about common time, a quadrupal meter with a quarter note beat.
One minute on… Tempo Changes
Learn music fundamentals about tempo changes such as accelerando and ritardando.
One minute on… Tempo
Learn music fundamentals about tempo, speed, and pacing.
One minute on… Hemiola
Learn music fundamentals about hemiola, a rhythmic pattern that creates a cross-rhythm.
One minute on… 3/4 vs 6/8
Learn music fundamentals about the difference between 3/4 and 6/8 time signatures.
One minute on… Four on the Floor
Learn music fundamentals about the four-on-the-floor beat pattern.
One minute on… Beats and Bars
Learn music fundamentals about beats, bars, and time signatures.
One minute on… Music History Style Periods
Learn a brief history of style periods, composers, and genres.
One minute on… Dynamics
Learn music fundamentals about dynamics, volume, and intensity.
One minute on… Sharps and Flats
Learn music fundamentals about sharps, flats, and accidentals.
One minute on… Octaves
Learn music fundamentals about octaves, pitch, and register.
One minute on… Intervals
Learn music fundamentals about intervals, distance, and quality.
One minute on… Ledger Lines
Learn music fundamentals about ledger lines and how they extend the staff.
One minute on… Clefs
Learn music fundamentals about clefs and how they relate to pitch.
One minute on… The Staff
Learn music fundamentals about the staff, clefs, and how they relate to pitch.
One minute on… Note
Learn music fundamentals about notes, pitch, duration, and the staff.
One minute on… Duration
Learn music fundamentals about duration, note values, and time signatures.
One minute on… Pitch Class
Learn music fundamentals about pitch class, pitch, octaves, and enharmonic equivalence.
One minute on… Pitch
Learn music fundamentals about how we name pitches with letter names, alterations, and a register.
One minute on… the Musical Alphabet (A–G)
Learn the musical alphabet and how it relates to the piano keyboard.